During this rehearsal singers will be working with Musical Director, Jamie Sansbury, learning two new pieces from scratch, which the choir will eventually be performing at The Glasgow School of Art Christmas Concert later in the year. Come along to our no-strings-attached rehearsal to see (and hear) how our weekly rehearsals work, the kind of repertoire we perform and to get first-hand experience of the wonderful atmosphere during our weekly sessions.
After a brief warm-up, we will begin work on the two pieces selected for the evening, both of which have been specifically chosen to ensure we can learn and perform them within a single rehearsal period. At the end of the night, after an informal ‘performance’ of the pieces there will be a short Q&A session where guests can ask questions about the choir and its work. This will be followed by drinks and nibbles so guests can meet current choir members and speak to them about their experiences in the ensemble.
Entry is free and un-ticketed, and all music will be provided. No experience (at singing or sight-reading) is necessary, but we suggest you bring along a pencil and a bottle of water. The open rehearsal will be held on Tuesday 20 September 2016, from 7 – 9pm in the Reid Auditorium, Reid Building, Renfrew Street, Glasgow.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about the event, and if you’re on Facebook, why not let your friends know you’re attending via our event page.